Tape Loops of Varied Length Vol.03 is more than an album; it’s a learning process. Between the previous record and this one, 135 days have passed, and a lot of musical sketches were done. A few have survived to be presented to the world; some will never be heard again.
For this album, I decided to try to make music by using some new tools differently. I got my hands on a Yamaha Mt8x half a year ago, and it took me a while to find a way to use it to make music with my tape loops. This album consists of some of the tracks that I made during the time I explored it.
Between this and my previous albums, the main change is how the musical process became more structured and better defined. I even improvised on some different ways of writing and detailing the songs here. This is why they exist as cassette tapes. Each one of them is a different song, and this is how they were recorded. From short tape loops to long repetitions of it, one channel after the other.
I still believe that the only way you can master a technique, it’s by doing it over and over again. For this to work, I decided to release an album every 135 days. Having a public deadline like this makes it hard for me to ignore my goals, and I can continue producing music consistently.
Something new will come in 135 days.
Kaxinawá (Longer) was a collaboration with Kovtun: kovtun.bandcamp.com - the original version can be found here: