
Jason Black || The world’s toughest human powered endurance challenge.

Jason Black || The world’s toughest human powered endurance challenge.
Solo Race across America / Solo Row the Atlantic Ocean / Solo Summit Mt Everest
The world’s ultimate trilogy has never been achieved in the history of human existence. The three dramatic arts are bold, mythical and magical. The worldbig3 captures the imagination and lays bare the human potential to endure and survive.
The stands singular as the toughest physical and mental endurance test in the world. Many have tried yet no Human has ever collectively completed all three. Jason Black Ireland's leading global endurance athlete aims to be the first. He already has summited Mt Everest solo on the North Face and he now lines up on June 16th in Oceanside California on the west coast of America to race 5000km to the east coast in just 9days with very limited stops. The last human challenge is to Row solo across the North Atlantic Oceans unsupported from St john point in Canada to Co.Donegal in Ireland, if successful he will fulfil the greatest endurance journey in the history of Adventure.
His motivation in his actions and as an ambassador for the Irish Red Cross is to highlight the challenges globally for less fortunate communities, families and individuals.

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