
Indusviva Inc USA | Business Plan | Indusviva Inc Income Plan | USA indusviva Compensation Plan

Indusviva Inc USA | Business Plan | Indusviva Inc Income Plan | USA indusviva Compensation Plan Indusviva Inc USA | Business Plan | Indusviva Inc Income Plan | USA indusviva Compensation Plan
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IndusViva Inc.

We are an entity with the unique credibility of being the pioneers in delivering holistic wellness and healing through Advanced Ayurveda. Our expertise and clear insights about the constant human fight against diseases for well-being and longevity keeps us significant in an age where modernity and lifestyle has its critical role. We are the road to the longevity that you are in search of. Our promise is for a lifetime.


iVed is a polyherbal supplement based on the traditional Ayurvedic principles of Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Vyadhikshamatwa (Immunity). iVed is specifically formulated as a natural supplement to keep body free from chronic diseases.

Immune Health Supplement

Brain HealthHeart HealthGut HeathLiver Health


iVed is a polyherbal formulation based on Ancient Indian Ayurvedic wisdom and propelled by Modern Science. iVed possesses a blend of traditional Ayurvedic formulations based on the age-old principles of Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Vyadhikshamatwa (Natural Immunity) which exerts positive health to the human body.

iVed contains 50 time tested and evidenced based herbal ingredients derived from four composite Ayurvedic formulations namely.

Immune Health Supplement

Saraswatha ChurnamBilwadi LeyhamParthadyarishtamPancha Nimba Churnam

These composite formulations with aforesaid herbal ingredients are found in the 5000-year-old lexicons of Ayurveda. They are also documented in the Ayurvedic Formulary (Federal Formulary) and Pharmacopoeia of India as monographs. iVED is truly a natural and holistic product which supports your health and wellbeing.


Coffee is the largest consumed brewed beverage around the world. I-Coffee is the revolutionary product from IndusViva which helps support your healthy blood sugar levels.

i-Coffee is a premium blend of coffee extracted from superior coffee beans sourced from Coorg in Karnataka. i-Coffee is a unique composition of botanical extracts: Salcital, Coffee bean and Mucuna. Salcital understands the body’s requirement of carbohydrates and blocks excess carbohydrates whereas synthetic medicines can only reduce the blood sugar levels which can fluctuate according to carbohydrate intake. i-Coffee also contains Mucunapruriens, commonly called Cowhage, which shows anti-stress and anti-oxidant benefits. Coffee itself contains polyphenols known for their anti oxidant benefits. Replace your regular Coffee with i-Coffee without compromising the authentic taste of coffee.

Why Indusviva

Indus viva Income plan ๐Ÿ‘‡

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Indus viva USA Launch ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘

Indus Viva School

Pearl to Black Diamond rank

For Indus viva Testimony ๐Ÿ‘‡


Enquiries Solved :

1) Indusviva USA business plan
2) Indusviva USA income Plan
3) Indusviva USA presentation business
4) Indusviva Inc USA launch
5) Indusviva health science pvt ltd in USA
6) Indusviva Ived product details of USA
7) Icoffee indusviva in USA
8) Induaviva global
9) Ayurveda in USA
10) Donald Trump USA about Indusviva ayurveda


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