
20200202 - Unscripted Thoughts and no more Deadlines

20200202 - Unscripted Thoughts and no more Deadlines This video us just a collection of unscripted thoughts and an announcement that I will have no more deadlines that I try to hold myself to. Also the audio on this one is FUBAR, I tried to see if I could kinda have my cake and eat it too by seeing if I could pump out an unscripted video quickly while I tried to work on something more substantial. Turns out expressing my thoughts with any amount of coherence is really hard, and the audio editing took a lot longer than normal. I'm not even sure I saved any time. I even tried to record each part in pieces, but that just ended up making the whole thing have shoddy and inconsistent audio quality, and I super apologize for that. On the bright side, I can easily point to this video as being my worst, so there's that.

Germain Lussier's Review of the Resistance Finale

Extra Credits: Should You Play the Classics? - Why Game History Matters

The above is actually pretty funny because I recorded the section on Dragon Quest like 1 or 2 weeks before that episode aired, and see this episode of Extra Credits till about this week. Granted it's one of those evergreen topics so it was bound to happen.

Star Wars,Game of the Year,Game of the Year 2019,Dragon Quest,Dragonquest,The Rise of Skywalker,Episode IX,Episode 9,Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker,Star Wars Resistance,Resistance,The Mandalorian,Mandalorian,Live Serivces,Lootboxes,Games as a Service,Palindrome Day,

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