
The Key to the Kingdom is cease to deny Light

The Key to the Kingdom is cease to deny Light The Key to the Kingdom is cease to deny Light - Meditation

πŸ§‘πŸ’«πŸ•ŠπŸ’œπŸ•ŠThis brief clip is a meditation as Infinite Light for the direct experience that the key to the Kingdom is in my hand — it is the decision to cease to deny inner Light. Am I willing to cease to deny Light? I am responsible to see the truth of Divine Being. The play of the ego is to deny I have the power to recognize what is Infinite now and thus a means to play weak and pretend that the illusion is true. Forgive illusions and accept Infinite Light. I have the key to the kingdom and my brother is the gateway to Heaven.

πŸ’œπŸ•Š Clip excerpt from Light Circle review of ACIM Lesson 342, I let forgiveness rest upon all things, For thus forgiveness will be given me.

“I stand before the gate of Heaven, wondering if I should enter in and be at home.” -ACIM Workbook Lesson 342

Jesus is here to lead us until there is no wondering whether to step into heaven. The Light within is blazing. Is there a willingness to cease to deny it?

πŸ•Š To join us in Light Circles:

In Jesus: A New Covenant ACIM, Jesus emphasizes that all beings can hear his voice (and speak his Voice) as clearly as Helen, the original scribe of A Course in Miracles. In Light Circles and Joining in Light Circles he is offering his assistance with direct experience hearing his Voice and providing specific directions for which Miracles to perform as most helpful for clearing the desire to deny Divinity. In Light Circles we focus on the Light first, and in Light beliefs and desires that seem to deny awareness of unconditional Love fall away. πŸ§‘πŸ’«πŸ•ŠπŸ’œπŸ•Š

To join with Jesus/A brother to clear the desire to deny Divinity, reference the Joining in Light Miracle Worksheet.

This principle is being applied daily in the mornings in to ACIM Course lessons and the evenings via Zoom. To join click here:

Jesus: A New Covenant: Download Chapters

This demonstrates the speed and power of looking directly at beliefs and desires with Jesus- to focus on light and follow the light within as the speedup for Spiritual Awakening.

Drop all metaphysical discussions and explanations. You are Light and as Light you can see the truth of who you are now, and through the power of who you are beliefs can be dropped immediately. Jesus will quickly reveal every belief in the subconscious mind - the chaff that needs to be burned to reveal the good wheat- Unconditional Love.

Can beliefs be cleared quickly?
Yes! πŸŽ‰ πŸ™✨πŸ’«πŸ€©

To learn more about Joining in Light, start a Light Circle or to join a Joining in Light session via video conference, contact us at or visit the Joining in Light Silent Devotional Center on Facebook.


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