

REALLY THAT GOOD - STAR WARS REALLY THAT GOOD is an independent work from MovieBob Productions. If you enjoy it and want to see more like it, please consider supporting The MovieBob Patreon:

Well, that took long enough - huh?

While often credited alongside JAWS with kickstarting the era of high-concept, “turn off your brain,” subtext-what-subtext blockbuster filmmaking, the supreme irony is that STAR WARS is quite the possibly the *most* analyzed, most-discussed, most picked-apart, theorized-about, academically-studied, fan-theoried, universe-expanded, dissected, deconstructed, obsessively… well, obsessed-over work of mainstream filmmaking (perhaps even mainstream ART, period) ever created.

On the other hand, a long time ago, STAR WARS was *not* ubiquitous: There was no “before” to draw on, no sequels to be looked forward to, no expanded universe, no forums, no fellow fanboys - nothing. And despite what the cinephile intelligentsia would have you believe, not every film that burned up the box office in the Auteur Era of the 1970s was an artistic triumph - spectacle-driven junk-food blockbusters both existed *and* made big money before George Lucas and Steven Spielberg came along. And there IS a narrative out there that holds up STAR WARS as being merely a “pretty good, kinda above average” example thereof that was merely in the right place at the right time.

Were they right all along? With so much time passed and so much cultural clutter of merchandise, sequels, prequels, Disney acquisitions, Expanded Universes, endless retoolings and fandom flame-wars; is it even possible for anyone to go back and examine the one that that started it all - by itself and only AS itself?

Maybe not. But we're going to try.

Is STAR WARS - the original STAR WARS... Really That Good?


Welcome to a NEW kind of film-criticism series, built around the radical premise that just because "everyone knows" a movie is a classic doesn't mean it stops being worth a deeper look.

"Black Vortex", "Disco Lounge", "Marty Gots a Plan", "Oppressive Gloom", "The Curtain Rises", "Ultralounge", "Wizardtorium," "Inspire," "Parisian," "Gearhead"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

#StarWars #ReallyThatGood

star wars,really that good,1977,moviebob,bob chipman,original,george lucas,review,retrospective,criticism,history,RTG,skywalker,han solo,leia,vader,sith,jedi,classic,analysis,

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