0:00 ¡Chilenos a la Acción! (Chileans to the Action! - Anthem of the National Socialist Movement of Chile)
2:33 ¡Adelante, los Nacionalistas! (Go ahead, Nationalists! - Anthem of the Fatherland and Liberty Nationalist Front)
4:28 Himno de la Agrupación de Comandos IM n°51 (Anthem of the Group of Commands IM n°51 - HWL in Chilean)
7:16 ¡La Patria No Se Vende! (The Fatherland Isn't Sold! - Song of the Fatherland and Liberty Nationalist Front)
8:50 Himnos Militares de Chile (Chilean Military Anthems)
8:50 Adiós al Séptimo de Línea (Goodbye to the Seventh Line - Anthem of the Chilean Army)
10:00 Camaradas (Comrades - Anthem of the Chilean Area Force)
11:09 Brazas a Ceñir (Fathoms to Gird - Anthem of the Chilean Navy)
12:09 Orden y Patria (Order and Fatherland - Anthem of Carabineros de Chile)
12:46 Lili Marleen [Chilean Version]
15:00 Yo Tenía un Camarada (I Had a Comrade - Ich hatt' einen Kameraden in Chilean)
17:38 Soy Soldado Conscripto (i'm a Conscript Soldier)
20:37 Libre (Free - Version of the Chilean Army)
22:56 ¡Y Dale Federico! (Keep Working, Federico! - Anti-Popular Unity song)
26:09 Y Eso Que Se Llama Salvador (Although His Name Is Salvador - Anti-Allende song)
27:55 Descansa, Mi Cielo (Rest Well, Dear - Anti-Popular Unity song)
31:44 Antes del 70, Don Salvador (Before 1970, Mr. Salvador - Anti-Allende song)
33:34 A lo Sangre Caliente (Hot Blood - Anti-Popular Unity song)
36:17 En los Tiempos de la Unidad Popular (In the Times of the Popular Unity - Anti-Popular Unity song)
39:58 Libres (Free)
41:43 ¡Chile Levantate y Anda! (Chile Get Up and Go! - September 11 Anthem)
43:52 Alborada (Dawn)
45:57 Soldados del 73 (Soldiers of 1973)
49:36 El Sembrador (The Sower)
51:50 ¡Por Chile Siempre! (For Chile Always!)
54:55 Mi Banderita Chilena (My Chilean flag)
57:59 Chile Lindo (Beautiful Chile)
1:00:41 Así Te Quiero, Patria (That's How I Love You, Fatherland)
1:03:50 Chile, Eres Tú (Chile, It's You)