I always share videos of Jacey getting into mischief because I've always shared the craziest parts of parenting. They shock me everyday. truth is Jacey is one sweet sweet loving baby. I normally catch her when she's having a bad moment, or when she's super sleepy and can't control or figure out her emotions, just like any other child but all kids needs is understanding. There's a tiome and a place for everything, a balance to everything. I thank God that he put me in my babies lives no matter how many bad days they have, I will be here, always. They teach me how to be their mommy and everyday I learn something new. Thank you guys for joining us on our journey, with our crazy selves lol
and for alll your love and support
PS: While recording this video, we we getting up to go visit my kids Grandmother, my mother in law.......at the hospital. She's not doing very well. Please say a prayer for her. I pray that God grants her peace amongst all. My heart is completely broken after today's visit. Make sure you love on those who love on you and tell your Mommy..... or daddy that you love them. Goodnight my loves