
Why you should seek advice from a professional in skincare

Why you should seek advice from a professional in skincare So many people are falling into the trap of reading the next skincare review or seeing something on the internet, and thinking I want a bit of that!!… It's important to understand most skincare products now work for specific concerns, they target specific processes, dysfunctions, and structures within the skin. If your using something because you have read somewhere it worked for someone or your friend has recommended something does not mean I will work for you.
This is why...
If your skin is hyper hyperkeratinised ingredients can't penetrate through the hardened surface... you will need a course of AHA's before moving to other ingredients... or if your natural moisture factor is impaired you can use all the hyaluronic acid you want but it will not remian in your skin.
Only by getting your skin assessed by a professional in skincare and skin health you are getting the right combination of ingredients bespoke to your specfic concerns, and not wasting endless money on the wrong product use.... and the best part... CONSULTATIONS ARE FREE!!!
Make your booking for a advance skin consultation here

T. 01642 632135
Much Love
Hollie xx


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