In the video I start off by talking about my own spazzy beginning in Brazilian Jiujitsu as I was probably the most reckless, explosive and wild roll in my gym, and probably the craziest I've ever seen.
I also talk about how as a coach I've ever become frustrated with spazzy new people in the gym.
With that in place I talk about how I deal with spaz type people during BJJ training and why you should learn to use your skill against someone like this. It's an important test to how your techniques work against an untrained person. I also talk about how I overcame my ultra-intense beginnings to get a handle on my wild rolling.
I hope that for all the Spazzy types and people frustrated with them that the video will give you some useful perspectives on how to handle the situation.
Thanks for watching the video!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.