
What The Bible Say About Homosexuals Going to Heaven | There Might Be Hope For Them...

What The Bible Say About Homosexuals Going to Heaven | There Might Be Hope For Them... NOTE: THIS VIDEO IS NOT BY ANY MEANS PROMOTING OR DEFENDING HOMOSEXUALITY (Please Don't Get It Twisted).

Most of us we are well aware that the Bible makes it clear in 1 Corinthians 6:9 that those who participate in homosexuality won't enter the kingdom of God and I also believe and agree. But what if I'm to tell you that looking deeper into the word of God, there might be a way in which homosexual people can still enter the kingdom of God? Yes, this video titled "What The Bible Say About Homosexuals Going to Heaven | There Might Be Hope For Them..." breaks down the word of God and point out valid reasons according to the Bible why some Homosexuals can possibly end up entering Heaven given that they comply.

Can a homosexual be a Christian? Can homosexuals go to heaven? Many Christians have asked this question. This video will provide a biblical and balanced view on the subject along with a challenge to heterosexual Christians as well.

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