
The Many Masks We Wear

The Many Masks We Wear There are many different types of masks that people cover their faces to conceal who they really are. I will name a few and if any of these masks resonate with you or pulls back the camouflage you’ve been hiding it—just drop an ouch in the comment box and say Destiny, that was me! Don’t say that is me! For today, we are taking off all our masks and finally allowing our true authenticity to be revealed.
1. Identity mask (you don’t know who you are and you’re trying to live your life through other people’s lifestyle.)
2. Emotional mask (you’re hiding from hurts, pain, abuse, fears, rejection, abuse, anger. The list is endless of all these negative and emotional baggage.)
3. Situational mask (this mask is to adapt to different situations and to fit in with the people you’re around.) You crave for approval and acceptance.
4. People pleaser mask
5. Mask of anger
6. Happy mask (this is a false pretense of being happy, because you’re not.)
I invite you to evaluate the masks you wear, and to think about how much you rely on them and whether they help you or harm you. If you’re truly honest with yourself then you will boldly confess these masks are more harm to me. Now, take them off and begin living the true person that the Creator created you to be. As the bible quote, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made!”


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