Melinda Elmborg of StartupAction.co is here for the last segment of our series! Melinda is a former VC who was frustrated and tired of saying “no” to startups she knew she could help.
So she started a virtual accelerator, Startup Action, to help startups get the launch they need, even without outside funding.
Today she shares Mistake #3: Broken Metrics and OKR’s
You need to make sure that your users are doing what you want them to do. Most companies have massive amounts of data but don’t know what to do with it. Good metrics help you make good investment decisions.
Melinda explains how to automate your metrics with her favorite tools and filter and focus them across your entire team to have key results and objectives (OKR’s)
RESOURCE: Measure What Matters
You can grab some of Melinda’s free resources and find out more about her accelerator here:
Resources.startupaction.co (You can grab a trial of ClickFolio on her page)
And don’t miss Mistake #1 and Mistake #2