
Shirdi Sai Baba Mahaparayan New Logo Explanation in English - Explaining the Mahaparayan's New Logo

Shirdi Sai Baba Mahaparayan New Logo Explanation in English - Explaining the Mahaparayan's New Logo Shirdi Sai Baba Mahaparayan New Logo Explanation in English - Explaining the Mahaparayan's New Logo

Sai Ramji, with the inception of season 3 of Global MahaParayan, we would like to present this video which explains the logo. The logo got its form with lot many Leelas of Sadhguru Sai Baba and that is already shared on our blog. The video is a walkthrough of different elements of the logo and what each element signifies in an animated form. We would like to thank the whole team of Global MahaParayan and Ms. Pooja for coming with this spiritual venture as directed by Sadhguru Sai Baba.

MahaParayan logo has different elements which has significant meaning - both relating to materialistic world and spiritual enlightenment. The dark background signifies the problems that are faced by people in their day to day lives. Each one is tormented with some or the other problem and want to get a solution to it. This can be considered as the first step of the ladder to Sadhguru Sai Baba. he calls His devotees and has been so vigilant in solving mundane problems of His devotees and answering prayers, in the hope that they ask from HIm what He actually intends to give, spiritual upliftment. The little stars are little hopes that people have, but they are suppressed to such an extent that they are hardly visible. The stand holds a Holy Book Sai Satcharit which is wrapped with red cloth. This is the way we preserve Holy Books and that's what the logo says.

The book, basically reading of the book, emits rays, that spreads in circular path and they are a lot more powerful. That’s where the little stars get light, i.e. the hopes shine now brighter and they are sure to be fulfilled. This means Sai Satcharit is read, the problems will be solved by Sadhguru Sai Baba if one keep utmost faith and wait with steady patience. This is materialistic message that the logo signifies, there is something related to spirituality too. We have read in Sai Satcharit that “My Sircar says "Take, take," but everybody comes to me and says 'Give, give.' Nobody attends carefully to the meaning of what I say. My Sircar's treasury (spiritual wealth) is full, it is overflow-ing. I say, "Dig out and take away this wealth in cartloads, the blessed son of a true mother should fill himself with this wealth.” Baba had descended on this earth for spiritual upliftment of humanity at large and still we are at clutches in materialistic world. When the bright rays over powers the little stars, they make them shine brighter and thus climbs second ladder which leads to spiritual advancement.

Now coming to the main part of the logo, Our Sadhguru Sai Baba as OM and OM as Our Sai Baba. OM also referred as Pranav, the symbolic representation of the primordial sound, from which “everything” is manifested.Similarly, Our Baba’s compassion and blessings is manifested in the heart of every devotee. This manifestation will be multifold if the devotee reads the Mahaprayan of Sai Satcharitra. OM is the subtlest form of sound. Mahaparayan is also the subtle form of sound, if someone recites Sai Satcharitra loudly or within their heart, Our Sadhguru Sai Baba in his subtle form manifest not only in the heart of the devotee but he will manifest in the form of his grace and blessings that will protect and shower the boon to the devotee and the devotee’s family too. So when His Satcharitra is recited in Mahaparayan Our Beloved Sadhguru Sai Baba manifests in the form of primordial sound OM, and thus Our Sai Baba is OM and OM is Our Sai Baba.

OM Sai Jai Jai Sai.

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