You might wonder, why it’s necessary to restore the honor of marriage? Why, because if there is no honor, why get married? Why, because, where is honor when a woman has had to sift through 10 men in order to find a husband? And, when she does say, I will marry you! There’s no honor when she can only offer you what others have rejected. Likewise, when a man asks a woman to marry him, is he really honoring her if he’s already lain with others, to include a few you know, and has 2 children out of wedlock that he does not financially support. There is a big difference between honor and respect. Respect is often temporal and conditional at best whereas; honour is forever! A man will often respect you until he gets what he wants. And if he doesn’t like what he got, he will disrespect you by forgetting your name and your number. Or he’ll respect you enough to live with you for years before he leaves you to marry the woman, he truly honors in less than 6 months. However; if a man honors the institution of marriage, he will honor you long before he ever meets you, and he’ll prepare himself for the honor of that which is to come. He will honor you from the very first time he meets you, and he will honor you until he can rightfully be with you in marriage and continue to honor you afterwards.