Or take, for example, super athleticism. No, it’s not about being incredibly athletic. It’s a genetic mutation specific to Tibetans. They have a gene that allows them to live at extremely high altitudes without any trouble, breathing the thin mountain air as if they’re living in a valley. As a result, they’re extremely tough and can be involved in much more strenuous activities than other people.
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#superpower #differenteyes #brightside
- Due to inactivity of myostatin protein, which suppresses growth of muscle tissue, newborn children can become very lean, looking like bodybuilders at a very young age.
- Most people have three types of cones in their eyes, allowing us to see millions of colors. But sometimes, they see so much more that we’re literally unable to comprehend the difference. That’s thanks to a fourth cone in their eyes that enhances their vision hundredfold.
- There is a genetic mutation in a single Amish community in Indiana that adds another 10 years to their lifespan.
- Imagine falling from the roof of a ten-story building and getting away with a few bruises and scratches but no broken bones whatsoever! Such a genetic anomaly was discovered back in 1994, and it is associated with the LRP5 gene. It makes a person’s bones about eight times denser than normal, which basically makes them indestructible.
- There are about 40 people in the world who have a blood type that doesn’t have any Rh-blood cell antigens. In simpler terms, it means anyone can accept their blood, even those with extremely rare blood types.
- Scientists have found out that people with naturally reduced function of a specific gene called PCSK9 have much lower cholesterol levels in their blood, which helps them avoid various diseases caused by this molecule.
- Short sleep periods occur in very few people, and some even go as far as to claim they don’t need sleep at all. For example, there’s a man from Vietnam who says he hasn’t slept for 33 years, having contracted the condition back in the ‘70s.
- A mutation of a gene causes a certain enzyme to stop being produced. And without this enzyme, the body starts emitting a strong and, well, pretty disgusting, aroma — something like rotten fish.
- Another rather uncomfortable genetic mutation is called the Ambras syndrome, or hypertrichosis. People suffering from it have excessive hair growing all over their bodies.
- Melanin is a pigment that’s present in our eyes, hair, and skin, so it can affect the color of anything. Heterochromia, though, only touches the eyes, making them two completely different colors — say, one hazel, the other blue.
- A very low number of people with distichiasis have two rows on either eye lid. The most famous example of this condition is Elizabeth Taylor — remember those dreamy eyes with fantastic lashes?
Music by Epidemic Sound
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